Temptations Come from You

By Andrew Williams

James 1:14 NLT- Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.

Good morning fellow disciples.

God Does not tempt you!

God is not tempted to do wrong, nor does He tempt others to do wrong.

Temptation: the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise, or to entice to do wrong by promise of pleasure or gain.

The temptation to do something wrong or unwise because of pleasure or gain comes from you! It is you who desires it! You are the one who thinks about it until you decide to yield to the temptation!

James was talking to fellow believers. As believers, we decide if we will live according to God’s desires for us or our own desires. Remember, we were born in sin and shaped in inequity. But praise God! Hallelujah! We are also born of the Spirit!

So, let us redirect our focus off our desires and place it on what the Holy Spirit’s desires are for us, and walk away from temptation.

Prayer: God, I do not want to live a life of sin. I will not entertain or yield to the temptations that are in my heart. I will redirect my focus to You and live according to Your will and Your way. Amen.

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