Talk to God About His WORD

By Andrew Williams

The crowd responded, “We understood from Scripture that the Messiah would live forever. How can you say the Son of Man will die? Just who is this Son of Man, anyway?”
John 12:34 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.
Scripture: the books of either the Old Testament or the New Testament or of both: the Bible.

You might be wondering how I got the topic “Talk to God about His WORD” from this verse. In the first devotional we said that the WORD was God. We also know that the WORD is the manifested mind and will of God. Jesus is the manifested mind and will of God.

Word is also defined as the expressed will of God. In the written scriptures we see God’s expressed will. So, in this verse we see the people talking to the WORD of God about the WORD of God. The people did not realize that that was what they were doing.

In this verse people were telling Jesus that what they understood from the scripture. They then challenged Him to explain what He meant.

Don’t we find ourselves in a similar situation today?

We tell people what we understand from the scripture. We tell God what we understand from the scripture. But, do we ask God what His Scriptures actually mean?

Do you talk TO God about His WORD?

Do you talk to Him about His written WORD?

Do you talk to Him about His manifested WORD?

Do you listen to what God has to say?

Prayer: Father God, I love talking to You about Your WORD. I love talking to You about the Holy Scriptures and I love talking to You about the Lord Jesus Christ. There are so many things I don’t understand about Your WORD, but Your Holy Spirit gives me understanding.

I love the fellowship and communication that we have during those conversations. I love how You erase my erroneous understanding of Your word, and replace it with Your truth. I continue to humble myself before You so that I can truly understand Your WORD. Amen.

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