Submitted Church

By Andrew Williams

‘As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. ‘Ephesians 5:24

Good morning fellow disciples.         

Are you submitted to Christ?

Submit is defined as: “to yield oneself to the authority or will of another.”

Are you truly yielded to the authority and will of Christ? As the members of His body, we need to be submitted to Christ. We need to obey His commands and pattern our lives after Him.

Many may say or believe that they are submitted but are they submitted to Christ in EVERYTHING?

Have you submitted every aspect of your life to Christ?

Prayer: Lord God, today I will spend time reflecting on my submission to Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit reveal the truth about myself to me so that I can confess, repent, rededicate myself to God, and submit totally to Christ. Amen.

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