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Stop Complaining Among Yourselves

By Andrew Williams – November 19, 2021

Stop Complaining Among Yourselves

Jesus answered them, “Stop complaining among yourselves.
John 6:43 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

In this passage the Jews to whom Jesus was speaking started complaining among themselves because Jesus said to them that he had come down from heaven. They knew Jesus, and they knew his mother, father, brothers and sisters. So for them this was a totally ludicrous statement. How could he be claiming to come from heaven when they knew that he came from persons that they knew?

As a young Christian, there are many times that I read the Bible and I could not understand what Jesus was saying. He was radical and sometimes the things that he said really did not make any sense to me. I can see what the Jews were complaining about because physically it does not make any sense. The truth is that Jesus spoke spiritually while they saw and heard things in a physical way.

When Jesus said stop complaining among ourselves, in my mind I’m thinking that Jesus is saying to them : ‘I am right here, ask me what you need to know instead of complaining among yourself’.

I believe that this is what Jesus is saying to some of us today. You have all the resources that you need. You have the Holy scriptures, you have teachers, and you have my Holy Spirit. Stop arguing and debating among yourselves about what I have said and seek the answers from the proper sources.

You have your pastors, you have my Holy Word, and you have my Holy Spirit who will teach you everything you need to know. STOP COMPLAINING AMONG YOURSELVES!

Prayer: Father God, I want to know You and Your truth. I’m going to stop wasting my time complaining among other persons. I repent now and turn to You. Your Word is truth, Your Son is truth and Your Spirit is truth, so I will seek You with all my heart until I find You.

I take my focus off the things that will keep me from knowing You and I now redirect my focus to knowing You as my God, amen.

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