Spiritual Thought Life

By Andrew Williams

Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. Romans 8:5 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

What do you do with the life that you have been given by the Holy Spirit? In this verse we see that there are two different forces that are seeking to rule our thought life.

If your thought life is predominantly filled with sinful thoughts, then you are dominated by the sinful nature. To be dominated by the sinful nature means that you are held captive by it.

However, if you are controlled by the Spirit of God, then you think the things that are pleasing to Him. Only persons who surrender to God’s Holy Spirit can think the things that please Him. God’s Holy Spirit does not hold you captive.

Take an inventory of your thought life. Who have you allowed to control your thought life?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am Your disciple. I admit that I do have sinful thoughts. At times they seem to want to overwhelm me. I need Your help to keep my thoughts pleasing to Your Holy Spirit.

I realize that I can only keep my thoughts pleasing to You when I remain surrendered to You. Help me to redirect my focus to God’s Word, and to obey Him in all things. I surrender to Your lordship over my life. Guide my thoughts, I pray. Amen.

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