training, education, development

Spiritual Exercise

By Andrew Williams – May 18, 2021

“But keep away from those godless legends, which are not worth telling. Keep yourself in training for a godly life. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is valuable in every way, because it promises life both for the present and for the future. “
1 Timothy 4:7‭-‬8 GNTD

Good morning fellow disciples.

Timothy is encouraged by Paul to train for a godly life, because spiritual exercise is valuable in every way as it promises life both in the present and in the future. But how would you define spiritual training/ exercise?

To train means – a: to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or proficient b: to form by instruction, discipline, or drill

Exercise: something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill.

Spiritual exercises then are the things that are performed/practiced that develop, improve, or display ones spiritual life. Spiritual training is the instruction, discipline, drill and exercise that we undergo to make us fit, qualified and proficient in spiritual things.

We exercise and train by: reading and meditating on God’s Word, praying, fellowshipping with God and others, serving God and others, preaching the gospel and making disciples. Training is lifelong, so we should never give up on becoming the perfect disciples by being transformed into the image of Jesus.

Have you began your spiritual training so that you will become a strong and proficient disciple? Are you exercising daily?

Prayer: Father God I’m willing to begin my exercise and training program to let me become stronger in the spirit. As I stay focused on You, help me to have deeper fellowship and greater relationship with You. I will daily fellowship with You and my fellow disciples, training with them and training them to be fully surrendered to You, amen.

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