Spirit Guide

By Andrew Williams

So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.  Galatians 5:16 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Guide: (noun) a person who shows the way to others, or a person who advises others, especially in matters of behavior or belief. (verb) Show or indicate the way to.

Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to show you the way to live your life? Are you actively taking advice from Him?

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have God’s Holy Spirit indwelling us. He is God with us, and He is the perfect guide for us in our new life. As persons who were held captive by sin, and who only knew how to live according to our sinful nature, we need to have a guide to show us how to live as children of God.

When we surrender to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we will stop doing the sinful things that we used to do.

Have you stopped doing what your sinful nature craves?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I surrender to You! Please be my guide as I seek to live fully committed to God. Amen.

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