Sons of Grace

By Andrew Williams

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)

Good morning fellow disciples.

Salvation, healing, deliverance, being a disciple, God’s Holy Spirit, and becoming sons of God are gifts from God.

We can never pay God for these! As a matter of fact, God doesn’t even want us to even think about trying to pay him back.

Yet we have all tried to because we find it hard to accept God’s gracious gifts. Do you remember the biggest hindrance to being saved? It was because we wanted to do something to be worthy of receiving what God offered.

Fellow disciples, let us accept the truth.

It is through faith in Jesus Christ that we have been granted the incredible privilege of becoming children of God. This is not something we earn, but a gracious gift extended to all who put their trust in Jesus Christ. May we live in the reality of this sacred calling.

Prayer: Father God, we are Your sons only because of Your grace. We humbly accept Your gift of sonship. We will live in the freedom You have gifted us. Amen.

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