Sons of Glory

By Andrew Williams

Romans 5:2 NLT‬- Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.‬

Good morning fellow disciples.

Are you looking forward to sharing God’s glory?

As sons of God, we are destined for glory. Our earthly lives are but a glimpse of the eternal inheritance that awaits us.

One day, we will stand before the throne of God, fully transformed and glorified, reflecting the radiance of our Heavenly Father.

Isn’t that awesome!

Glory to God!

Until that day, let us live with an eternal perspective, setting our minds on the things above and eagerly anticipating the fullness of our divine sonship.

Prayer: Father God, we look forward to living forever in Your presence sharing Your glory! Thank You for graciously accepting us into Your family.  We will live worthy of the sonship You have bestowed upon us. Amen.

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