Sons of Acceptance

By Andrew Williams

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you received Jesus Christ?

Through faith in Jesus Christ, we have been granted the incredible privilege of becoming children of God. This is not something we earn, but a gracious gift extended to all who put their trust in Jesus.

The ball is in your court. All you, all we, need to do is accept God’s gracious gift. But as we look around, how many persons do we see who still haven’t accepted?

Fellow disciples, it is our duty to preach the gospel, teach, and disciple them so that they can come to know who Jesus is.

Are you witnessing to those who haven’t accepted Jesus as yet?

Make it your duty to witness to them so that they too can make the choice to become sons of God!

Prayer: Father God, we believe! Make us effective witnesses to our lost families so that they too can accept Your gracious gift of sonship. Amen

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