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Sons Follow

Sons Follow

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

Do you know who is leading you? Who are you following? Are you following more than one person?
According to this passage of scripture, those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. Are you a son of God? Are you being led by the Spirit of God?

As you go about your daily walk in this world where is your focus? Is your focus on the Spirit of God and His leading, or are you being distracted by other voices or persons? Your answers to these questions will show you where you stand with God.

Let me ask, “Who do you desire to lead you in this life?” Your desire will eventually become a reality if you act on it. I implore you to desire the leading of the Spirit of God with all your heart! As you act on this desire you will find that you will become a son of God. As a son of God keep on following God’s Spirit so that you will have all the rights and privileges of being a Son of God.

Prayer: I am Spirit formed! I am Spirit-filled! I am Spirit-led! Father God thank You for creating me, thank You for breathing the breath of life into me, and thank You for leading me by Your Spirit. Created in Your image and led by Your spirit, I am truly Your son.

I will follow Your leading God, in my thoughts, desires, and actions. I am Your son, and I will act and live in the way You created me to. I love You and I will follow You wherever You lead. Amen.

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