Sing Everywhere

By Andrew Williams

I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations.
Psalms 57:9 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

At home, at church, in school, on the road, wherever you go you will always hear people singing or songs being played. You yourself may be the one singing or constantly listening to songs on your various devices.

The reality is that most of these songs we hear everyday do not mention God or give glory to Him. As a disciple of Jesus Christ/ a child of God, it is our duty and privilege to praise God in song.

So, do you thank God among all people, not just your family or church members?

Do you sing praises to God wherever you may be?

Fellow disciples, give thanks to God and praise Him in song everywhere!

Prayer: “I will give thanks to Thee
O Lord, among the people
I will sing praises to Thee
Among the nations
For Thy steadfast love is great
It is great to the Heavens
And Thy faithfulness
Thy faithfulness to the clouds

Be exalted, O God
Above the Heavens
Let Thy glory be over all the Earth”.


1 thought on “Sing Everywhere”

  1. I will sing praise to The Lord, while I live; I will sing praise to The Lord while I have life in Him
    My meditation of Him shall be sweet,
    I will be glad in The Lord, bless thou Thd Lord o my soul.

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