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Sin Thing

By Vanessa Rose – April 6, 2021

Scripture : Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3 KJV

Insight : Many unbelievers are afraid to come to Christ because of what I call their “sin thing”. “Sin thing” is that thing we hold so dearly to and believe it will be our falling point when we come to Christ. But this scripture tells us that God will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is STEADFAST on Him. Simply put focus on God and that sin thing wont even be a thing. The devil will convince us that we can’t live without this ‘pleasure’: be it sex, smoking, gambling, partying and that you wont be able to stop at all or for very long.

But God gives us another great promise in Philippians ; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me declares the scripture. This includes giving up my love for my ‘sin thing’. What is your sin thing today? What is keeping you from serving God because the devil has convinced you you can’t stop doing it? God is able to keep you in perfect peace if you focus on Him.

Prayer : God I have heard your words. Show me the way to releasing my sin thing. Help me to believe that You are able to keep me even as the devil lies to me tricking me into believing that I am unable to walk with You because of this sin thing. Lord I am unable to keep myself, help me to believe even in my unbelief. Help me to come to you and find the peace of overcoming my sin thing. Amen

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