green, pray, young man

Serving God While Young

By Vanessa Rose – March22, 2021

Scripture : “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;” Ecclesiastes 12:12 KJV

Insight : The above scripture is an encouragement to youth, both men and women, to remember God while they are young. In our culture it is often thought that serving God is for the old. Many persons when asked to surrender their lives to God will often reply ” I am not ready”. Why? Because as humans we believe our youth is for our enjoyment. Or, we fear not being able to continue on the the path to righteousness because of the many temptations of the world. But this scripture says our youthful days are the best time to serve God.

The scripture refers to the latter years of our lives as the evil days. This is a time when men no longer have pleasure in living and so finally decide to give in to God because there is nothing else to do as all the pleasurable things are no longer enjoyable. Do not wait until a ” might as well” moment to serve God. Do it while you are young and able to be productive in the Kingdom of God. The bible reminds us ‘young man I call upon you because you are strong’. Will you answer the Master’s call while you are young and able?

Prayer: Dear God I give my youthful days to Your service. I enlist myself to Your cause before the evil days come. Mighty God forgive me for believing my youth was not the best time to serve You. Show me how to be an effective servant of God in my youth. Amen

Have a blessed and productive day.

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