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Serving God Fully

By Andrew Williams – July 18,2021

“For I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not turned from my God to wickedness.” Psalms 18:21 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

How many of us can truly say that we have kept the ways of the Lord and have not turned from our God to wickedness? The smarter ones, the coy ones, among us will say ,” I have not backslidden and turned totally away from God”. And yes, this may be what the passage is actually saying, but as disciples of Christ we are to follow Him in everything. Sometimes we don’t do that, just like Peter did when Paul had to rebuke him.

Sometimes we surrender to God as Lord of our lives, but we still walk in rebellion by not being fully obedient to Him. Sometimes the things we do hurt other persons, and this is not what God wants. Sometimes we are downright wicked in our approach to other persons, and in the lifestyle that we lead.

Some persons may be wondering if it is even possible to serve God completely. Yes it is! It all depends on where we put our focus, and where we keep our focus. Are we willing to truly make God the Lord of our lives, and to submit fully to Him? These are choices that we all have to make. What choice do you choose to make today!?

Prayer: Father God I choose You! I turn from sin, wickedness, and all ‘other gods’. I will keep all Your ways and not turn away from You, amen.

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