Sacrificial Church

By Andrew Williams

Good morning fellow disciples.

They risked their lives for me! Paul was grateful for his fellow workers in ministry, Priscilla and Aquila. Not only was Paul thankful but so were the gentile churches who benefitted from Paul’s ministry after they risked their lives to save Paul’s.

Do you have fellow disciples who you can thankfully say this about?

As a church, as the body of Christ, we should be willing to make sacrifices for each other. When we make sacrifices for the betterment of each other, we show our love for each other and for Jesus.

Have you risked your life for your fellow disciples?  Are you willing to?

Prayer: Father God, there are so many people who have risked their lives to spread the gospel and disciple others. We are grateful for them, Lord, because we are yours because of them.

Lord, we will also risk our lives for each other. May our sacrifices lead others into deeper relationship with You. Amen.

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