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Rightfully Yours

By Andrew Williams – July 24,2021

“Praise is rightfully Yours, God, in Zion; vows to You will be fulfilled. All humanity will come to You, the One who hears prayer.” Psalms 65:1‭-‬2 HCSB

God in Zion is the Almighty God. He’s God of God’s, King of kings, Lord of lords. He is creator of everything and it is through Him that everything that is made is sustained. Praise or worship therefore rightfully belongs to Him, because there is no one like Him.

When we look at the rest of this passage we see the many things that the psalmist praises God for, however we will not look at those today. What I want us to concentrate on is the fact that the praise that we sometimes give to others, rightfully belongs to God.

Who are you glorifying today? Who are you giving all the honor? Who are you worshiping? Who are you praising? Are you wrongfully giving to someone or something else what truly belongs to God? As you ponder these questions I pray that you will redirect your focus to God. You can read Psalm 65 to begin the process of seeing why the praise rightfully belongs to God, and then continue praising Him.

Prayer : God, sometimes I truly don’t recognize how awesome You are! Forgive me Lord and teach me who You truly are so that I can praise You properly.

Father God I see it clearly now, it All belongs to You. All the praise, all the glory, all the worship, You are the only one that is worthy and right now I bow before You in reverence. Glory ! Hallelujah ! You are worthy Lord ! Accept the praise that I give unto You I pray. Amen .

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