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Righteous Judge

By Andrew Williams – April 9, 2021

Scripture : Tola judged Israel 23 years and when he died, was buried in Shamir. Judges 10:2 HCSB

Observation: The previous verse says he began to deliver Israel, but it did not say how he achieved this. Another judge succeeded him, but of note we see that the people did not drift away from God after Tola’s death. This I believe meant that both these judges were Godly men who led Israel  righteously.

In todays society people love to be recognized for their accomplishments and they like to be popular. Some like to tell their stories or have other persons do it for them, as a way to feel validated, respected or loved. I believe that what we do is more important than the reports about us.

Application : I will live my life pleasingly to God even if I don’t get recognized through a long story about my achievements.

Prayer : Father God I will serve you wholeheartedly. May my service be pleasing to You, amen.

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