Resurrection Conversations – Part 9

By Andrew Williams

Then after this, He appeared in a different form to two of them walking on their way into the country. 
Mark 16:12 HCSB
Resurrection Conversations – Part 9

Good morning fellow disciples.

If Jesus did it for someone else, He can do it for you too!

Here we see Jesus giving His disciples evidence of His resurrection. First an angel proclaimed it. Second, He appeared to Mary, and third, He appeared to two disciples who were walking along the road to the country.

It says that He appeared to them in a different form. So, we see in these three verses that the disciples had encounters with God’s Son or His messengers.

What this says to me is that God can speak to us in many different ways. The encounter that you may have with Him can be totally different from the one that I have. He may choose to appear to you in person in a form that you recognize, a form that you may not recognize, or He may send one of His angels to speak to you.

Are you seeking a message from God? Are you seeking an encounter with the living God?

Rest assured, Jesus appeared to His disciples in many ways after His death, He will also give evidence of who He is to you in the way that He chooses.

Keep on seeking God, you will find Him!

Prayer: Father God, continue to make Your Kingdom known to us. Whether You speak to us in an audible voice, through Your son, through Your Holy Spirit, through Your Holy Scriptures, through Your Holy Angels, or holy men of God, we know that You will speak to us.

Thank You for hearing us, and thank You for responding to us. Thank You for appearing to us and speaking to us in ways that we can understand, and in ways that will build our faith in You. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Resurrection Conversations – Part 9”

  1. May God grant us discernment as we continue our journey with Him.
    He has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.

  2. The relationship we have Christ and his method of communicating is unique to our situation. God gives evidence in the way he chooses. Thanks for the word..

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