Resurrection Conversations – Part 7

By Andrew Williams

She went and reported to those who had been with Him, as they were mourning and weeping. 
Mark 16:10 HCSB
Resurrection Conversations – Part 7

Good morning fellow disciples.

Weeping may come in the night, but joy comes in the morning. Mary Magdalene knew the truth! Jesus was alive! He had appeared to her, and He had given her good news to give to her fellow disciples.

It was the third day since Jesus had been crucified. The disciples were still mourning and weeping, but in the midst of this in came Mary Magdalene with amazing news.

“Jesus is alive! He has been resurrected! He has appeared to me! Not only that but we saw an angel in the tomb, and he told us that Jesus was going ahead of us to Galilee!”

What amazing news!

What a crazy thing for Mary to say!

Was she so distraught that she would make up something like this? Had she lost her mind? Why would she say such a thing when we are in deep mourning?

These were probably the questions that some persons had in their minds.

But, could she be telling the truth?

Prayer: Father God, sometimes when we are grieving, our responses, our actions, and our words do not seem to line up with what is actually happening. Many of us grieve in different ways and it’s hard to come to the realization of what is true. Sometimes we don’t want to hear what others have to say, but sometimes what they say is what we really need to hear.

Help us to accept Your truth especially when we are having a hard time dealing with grief. Amen.

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