Resurrection Conversations – Part 6

Early on the first day of the week, after He had risen, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had driven seven demons. 
Mark 16:9 HCSB
Resurrection Conversations – Part 6

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus had just risen from the dead. He had accomplished the task that God had sent Him here to do. The only thing left to do was to spend the next forty days with His disciples preparing them for the coming of the Holy Spirit.

His first conversation after His resurrection that we know of was with Mary Magdalene. Mary was one of the women who went to Jesus’ grave to anoint His body for burial. She was one that He had driven seven demons out of. She was also one of the women who supported Jesus throughout His ministry. She was a close disciple!

What an honor and a privilege it was for Jesus to choose her to be the first person that He appeared to after His resurrection!

First the angel had told them that Jesus was risen, he had given them the proof of the empty tomb, and now Jesus appeared physically to Mary Magdalene. Everything that Jesus said, everything the angel said about Jesus’ resurrection was true.

I wonder, why did Jesus choose Mary Magdalene to be the first to see Him after He completed His God assigned task?

When something good happens to you who do you want to share the good news with first?

When God gives you revelation, or you have encounters with Him, who is the first person that you want to share them with?

When someone you love is growing in the Lord and they are excited about what is happening, don’t you want to be the first person that they share their victories with?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for appearing first to someone that You delivered, to someone that You cared for, to someone that cared for You and supported You throughout Your ministry, and to someone who was a faithful disciple.

Thank You for saving us, healing us, delivering us, and accepting us as Your disciples. May You continue to give us angelic encounters, and continue to speak to us through Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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