Resurrection Conversations – Part 5

By Andrew Williams

So they went out and started running from the tomb, because trembling and astonishment overwhelmed them. And they said nothing to anyone, since they were afraid. 
Mark 16:8 HCSB
Resurrection Conversations – Part 5

Good morning fellow disciples.

If I had just gone into a tomb to see a dead body and encountered a living person who then gave me instructions, I would be amazed, I would be trembling, and I would definitely not know what to say.

Just the sight of this living person alone would cause all these reactions. But here he was telling them that Jesus was alive and that He had gone ahead of them to Galilee. He also gives them instructions to go and tell the disciples and Peter what had happened.

So, these women ran out of the tomb and did not say anything to anyone along the way. Was it because they were being obedient to go to the disciples to give them the news, or was it because they were still in a state of amazement and could not say anything to anyone?

How do you respond when you hear from God?

Have you ever had an angelic encounter? How did you respond in that setting?

Have you ever experienced a prophecy that was fulfilled in your life? How did you respond when you realized that the prophetic utterances made over you had come to pass?

Prayer: Father God, thank You for sending Your messengers to us. We thank You for fulfilling prophecies in our lives, and we thank You for making Your word clear to us. Help us to be obedient to your command to spread Your gospel / Your good news to the world. Amen.

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