Resurrection Conversations – Part 2

By Andrew Williams

Looking up, they observed that the stone — which was very large — had been rolled away. When they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a long white robe sitting on the right side; they were amazed and alarmed. 
Mark 16:4‭-‬5 HCSB
Resurrection Conversations – Part 2

Good morning fellow disciples.

The ladies were just wondering who would remove the stone from the entrance of the cave for them. As they reached, they realized that the stone, a very large stone, had already been rolled away from the entrance.

My first two questions would have been:

1. Who rolled away the stone? And,

2. Am I at the right cave/ is this where Joseph placed Jesus’ body?

Like the ladies I would have entered the tomb to see what was in there. Like them I would have been shocked, amazed, or scared to see someone sitting in a dead man’s tomb.

Can you imagine going into a sepulcher to see a dead body and you see someone sitting there alive? I can’t really describe what my body would have done in that moment.

In my shock I would have probably asked the question the way that my uncle does: “A who yuh?”

Who are you? What are you doing in this grave? How did you come to be here, and how is the stone removed?

So many questions that could have been asked, so many questions.

Prayer: Father God, sometimes You shock us, sometimes You leave us in awe, and sometimes You scare us by the things that You do. As we go about our daily business, we sometimes do not expect to have encounters with You and Your Kingdom, but You intervene in our lives in ways that we do not expect. We are grateful for these encounters Lord, even though at times they cause us to be alarmed. Continue to show up in our lives Lord, as we seek to do the things that will honor You. Amen

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