Resurrection Conversations – Part 13

By Andrew Williams

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 
Mark 16:16 HCSB
Resurrection Conversations – Part 13

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus has commanded us to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The purpose of the Gospel is to get persons saved, to get them delivered from the captivity of the devil, and to bring healing to their lives.

We have been tasked to bring great blessings to persons. They will receive those blessings when they believe the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Are you preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God?

Is it your desire to see people saved?

Are you happy to see people condemned?

Let us be like Jesus in our proclamation of the Gospel. Let us be like Jesus who lived out the gospel. Let us be like Jesus who loves persons and showed compassion to them. When we live like Jesus did, persons will more willingly accept the gospel.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I will obey Your command to go and preach the gospel to all the world. I want persons to believe, so that they can be saved. Help me to live my life and to speak in the ways that will allow persons to accept Your good news. Amen

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