Resurrection Conversations – Part 11

By Andrew Williams

Later, He appeared to the Eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table. He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who saw Him after He had been resurrected. 
Mark 16:14 HCSB
Resurrection Conversations – Part 11

Good morning fellow disciples.

How would you feel after spending years learning from a great teacher everything that he desired to teach you, then one day he came, and he rebuked you because you did not believe what he taught you?

This is where the disciples found themselves. After three years of learning about Jesus’ Ministry, getting to know Jesus, and doing the things that He did, they decided not to believe eyewitness reports of His resurrection.

Jesus must have been really disappointed in them. He rebuked them for their unbelief and their hardness of heart.

If Jesus came to you today, would He also rebuke you for your unbelief and your hardness of heart?

Are you an unbeliever who has heard the gospel but still refuse to believe it?

Are you a disciple who refuses to believe certain aspects of Jesus’ life?

Are you a disciple who refuses to believe and carry out some of Jesus’ commands?

Why don’t you believe?

What has hardened your heart?

Examine yourself today to see where you stand with the Lord, and if you are in unbelief and your heart is hardened, REPENT!

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