Resurrection Conversations – Part 10

By Andrew Williams

And they went and reported it to the rest, who did not believe them either. 
Mark 16:13 HCSB
Resurrection Conversations – Part 10

Good morning fellow disciples.

How many times do you need to hear the same thing before you believe?

How much confirmation do you need before you step out in faith?

How many different ways does God need to present something to you before you accept it as truth?

I wonder, are we people who live by faith, or are we persons who live our lives based on the evidence that we have?

Prayer: Father God forgive us for being fearful, faithless, and unbelieving. We have read Your Word, we have seen the miracles, we have the experiences with You, Your Holy Spirit lives in us, and still yet we have difficulty believing!

Are we really Christ like? Are we little Christs? Are we truly disciples of Christ?

If we are, then by faith we should believe everything that You have said! Help us God! Help us I pray. Amen

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