Research Driven Meditation

By Andrew Williams

Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honorable Theophilus,
Luke 1:3 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

How can you effectively meditate on, focus your thoughts on, reflect on, and ponder over something unless you have accurate information?

As disciples of Christ, we need to spend our time meditating on God’s WORD and what God has done for us. To do this, we need to have accurate information. We need to be like Luke who researched the information so that he could present an accurate account for his fellow disciple. We also need to be like Theophilus who gladly received this account and then spent his time meditating on God’s WORD.

As you look around you, how many false religions and cults can you recognize that has come from persons saying that they have had interactions with Jesus or with holy angels?

As you look within your church, how many people can you recognize as false prophets or false disciples?
As you look at yourself, how many times have you made bad decisions based on what you thought was a true revelation from God?

We all need to research what is written in God’s Holy Scriptures so that as we meditate on them, we can come to an accurate understanding of who God is, and how He wants us to live. Be like the Bereans who researched the WORD well and then put it into practice.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for those who have done the research and recorded Your WORD in the Bible. Thank you for those who have researched and meditated Your WORD and have preached the life-changing gospel.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who is living in us and who teaches us all things. Through Him we understand Your Holy scriptures and we get continued revelation from You.

Before we meditate, help us to research what it is that we are going to be thinking about. Give us discernment so that as we ponder, we may understand who it is that is speaking to us. Continue to guide us as we seek You, our Lord, Master, and King. Amen.

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