
By Andrew Williams

Judges 3:10 NLT- The Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he became Israel’s judge. He went to war against King Cushan-rishathaim of Aram, and the Lord gave Othniel victory over him.

Good morning, fellow disciples.

There are many things that we experience in life that are tests to see how well we will serve the Lord. The Lord does not remove these from our lives because He wants to see how faithful and committed, we will be to Him.

We have been given clear commands and instructions by God. The question is, ‘will we obey them?’

In this passage we see that the children of Israel had done evil in the sight of the Lord by intermarrying with the nations that were there, and by worshipping their idols. Because of this, the Lord allowed them to be subjugated by the King of Aram.

When they cried out to God for help, He provided a rescuer by the name of Othniel. Othniel did not rescue them in his own strength. He was empowered by God when the Spirit of God came upon him.

Are you going through trying times? Do you feel as if you are in captivity? Repent of your sins and cry out to God! He will rescue you.

Just like with the Israelites, He may send you a human being who is empowered by His Holy Spirit. Accept your deliverance. Now, Serve God wholeheartedly.

Prayer: Lord God, we are in need of rescuing. Send help please! Amen.

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