Rescued by God

By Andrew Williams

Psalms 34:18 NLT- The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Are you broken hearted? Do you feel as if your spirit is crushed? Who do you turn to in those times and do they really help you when you are feeling like that?

One of the best examples of a person in the Bible who had a crushed spirit is that of Job. He lost everything that he had in this world except for his wife. His wife experienced these losses with him, and she saw Job’s response. But how did she respond to Job’s broken heartedness?

She told him to curse God and die.

Job’s friends came to look for him, to comfort him. But what did they do? They accused him of being a sinner.

His wife was there with him through it all. His friends came and sat close to him in an effort to comfort him. But none of them could heal his broken heartedness and rescue him from the distress and despair that he was going through.

Throughout the entire book, it seemed as if God had abandoned him. But in the end, we realized that God was the only one who was close to him, and God was the only one who looked out for Job to heal his broken heartedness.

What are you going through today? Who are you seeking to be close to in your time of need?

Look to God! It may not seem as if He is close, but He has never left you or forsaken you. Just redirect your focus off your problems and place it on God. As you pour out your heart to Him, wait expectantly for God to rescue you from your crushed spirit.

Prayer: When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be,
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until You come and sit awhile with me.

Lord God, I will wait in expectation for You to rescue me. Until then I will continue to exercise my faith and trust in You. Help me to remain steadfast in my faith in these trying times. Amen.

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