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Redirecting Our Focus to – The Holy Spirit

By Andrew Williams – January 6, 2021

Redirecting Our Focus to – The Holy Spirit

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Genesis 1:2 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples

As we redirect our focus to the Holy Spirit, we realize that He was there in the beginning. What an awesome thing to recognize, that the Holy Spirit of God was there in the beginning.

Some of us relegate the Holy Spirit to someone who comes upon us from time to time, or someone who just gives us gifts of prophecy, discernment, speaking in tongues etc, but the Holy Spirit is a person. He was there at Creation. He has been here, throughout all existence. As we read the bible, whenever we see God in action, especially in His prophets and those anointed and appointed by God, Holy Spirit is always there.

In the new covenant the Holy Spirit is the member of the Godhead who is here with us and who will always be here with us. We need to put our focus on Him because He is the one who speaks truth and gives interpretation of God’s word. He is the one who convicts us of sin. He Is the one who is the gift of the Father who allows us to be effective witnesses here on earth for the Kingdom of God, and He is the one who empowers us to do exploits for God’s Kingdom.

Without Him, none of the work of the Kingdom of God is possible.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for gifting us with Your Holy Spirit. He is the one who gives us power. He is the one who gives us knowledge and understanding of Your word. He is the one who brings to remembrance all the scriptures that we have read.

He’s the one who does miracles, signs, and wonders when we preach and teach the Word of God? He is the one who is always with us. He is the one through whom we have access to the Lord Jesus Christ and without access to the Lord Jesus Christ, we don’t have access to You, Father God.

So we thank You for Your Holy Spirit. We thank You for blessing us with His presence. We thank You Lord, that when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, You fill us and You baptize us with Your Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit we honor and we adore You! We thank You for being with us, helping us and empowering us to do the work of the Kingdom of God, Amen.

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