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Redirecting Our Focus to the Boldness Found in Jesus

February 17, 2025

By Andrew Williams

Acts 4:8-14 (NLT) “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, ‘Rulers and elders of our people, are we being questioned today because we’ve done a good deed for a crippled man? Do you want to know how he was healed? Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead. For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it says, “The stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.” There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.’ The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus. But since they could see the man who had been healed standing right there among them, there was nothing the council could say.”

Good morning fellow disciples.

In this powerful moment, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaims the truth of Jesus’ power and authority to the religious leaders. He doesn’t shy away from naming Jesus as the source of the healing and boldly testifies that salvation is found in no one else. What’s remarkable is that Peter and John were ordinary men—fishermen with no formal training—yet they spoke with such confidence and clarity that the council was left speechless. Their courage and effectiveness came from being with Jesus and being empowered by the Holy Spirit.

This passage reminds us that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things when they are filled with the Holy Spirit and grounded in Jesus. You don’t need a theological degree or special qualifications to boldly share your faith; you simply need to be with Jesus and rely on His Spirit. Like Peter and John, you can redirect your focus from your limitations to the unlimited power of God working through you. When you’ve spent time with Jesus, it shows—it transforms your words, your actions, and your confidence.

Spend intentional time with Jesus this week through prayer, reading Scripture, and worship. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with boldness, just as He did with Peter and John. Then, look for an opportunity to share your faith or testify to God’s goodness, even if it’s in a small way. Redirect your focus from feeling “unqualified” and trust that God can use your simple acts of obedience to make a powerful impact.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for reminding me that You can use anyone who is willing to surrender to You. I confess the times I’ve doubted my ability to share my faith or stand boldly for You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me redirect my focus from my weaknesses to Your strength. Let my time spent with You overflow into boldness and confidence as I live out my calling as Your disciple. Use me, Lord, to bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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