By Andrew Williams
John 21:2-4 (NLT): “Several of the disciples were there—Simon Peter, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples. Simon Peter said, ‘I’m going fishing.’ ‘We’ll come, too,’ they all said. So they went out in the boat, but they caught nothing all night. At dawn, Jesus was standing on the beach, but the disciples couldn’t see who he was.”
Good morning fellow disciples.
This passage takes place after Jesus’ resurrection but before His ascension. Simon Peter, joined by several other disciples, decides to go fishing—a return to the familiar work he had done before being called by Jesus. After an entire night of effort, they catch nothing, and their labor seems fruitless. As dawn breaks, Jesus stands on the shore, but the disciples do not immediately recognize Him.
This moment reflects a subtle yet profound truth: in the midst of ordinary life, Jesus is often present, even when we fail to see Him. The disciples, consumed by their work and disappointment, didn’t realize that the risen Lord was right there, ready to guide and bless them. This passage reminds us that Jesus meets us in the routine, in the ordinary, and even in our moments of frustration. When we redirect our focus to Him, we can recognize His presence and experience His provision, even when we least expect it.
Peter’s decision to go fishing shows his human tendency to return to what feels comfortable and familiar, especially in times of uncertainty. But this moment also demonstrates Jesus’ patience and faithfulness in pursuing His disciples, even when they are unaware of His presence. For Peter, this encounter would ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of his calling and the abundant provision that comes from trusting in Jesus.
As disciples, Peter’s story empowers us to see that Jesus doesn’t abandon us when we feel lost or return to old patterns. Instead, He meets us where we are, in the midst of our confusion or routine, and gently redirects our focus to Him. He reminds us that our labor is not in vain when it is aligned with His purpose.
Are you caught up in the routines of life, missing the presence of Jesus standing right before you? Redirect your focus to the ways He is already working in the ordinary. Consider the areas where you’ve been laboring in your own strength, feeling fruitless or frustrated. Invite Jesus into those spaces, trusting Him to reveal Himself and provide in ways you may not expect.
This week, take time each day to pause and look for Jesus in the ordinary moments of your life. Whether it’s during your work, your interactions with others, or your quiet times, ask Him to open your eyes to His presence. Surrender your efforts to Him and trust that He is working, even when you don’t immediately see the results.
Prayer: Lord Jesus , thank You for meeting me in the midst of my daily life, even when I fail to recognize You. I confess that I often get caught up in my own routines and frustrations, forgetting to look for Your presence. Today, I choose to redirect my focus to You, trusting that You are with me in every moment. Open my eyes to see You and teach me to rely on Your guidance and provision. Help me to walk as a disciple who trusts You in both the extraordinary and the everyday. In Jesus’ name, Amen.