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Redirecting Our Focus to – My Purpose in God’s Kingdom

By Andrew Williams – January 5, 2021

Redirecting Our Focus to – My Purpose in God’s Kingdom

The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it.
Genesis 2:15 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

God created the heavens and the earth. Everything is His! His Kingdom extends from the heavens and includes the earth. He placed man here on Earth and gave him dominion over the earth.

As we look at redirecting our focus to our purpose in God’s Kingdom, we see that God placed Adam in the garden to take care of it. God’s original design and purpose for man was for man to be in dominion over all His earthly creations. As a part of God’s Kingdom, we should obey His rules and regulations, and follow His laws and His commands.

What we notice, however, is that Adam and Eve broke God’s rules and God had to remove them from that coveted position of taking care of His garden in Eden. When man decided to sin against God he gave up dominion of this world to the devil. Because of that man lost sight of his purpose.

Since then mankind has sought to do things its own way. Rarely does he follow God wholeheartedly. Today we find ourselves in the situation where we are sinful. We are born in sin, shaped in iniquity, and we find it hard to choose to live the way God desires.

The good news is that Jesus came and paid the price so that we could return to our original place in God’s Kingdom, which is to have dominion over His earth. All we have to do is choose to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and then be returned to that position in His Kingdom.

That’s the current situation. So what is my role in God’s Kingdom? Simply put, we were placed here on earth to take care of God’s earthly creations. For us to do that properly, we have to obey God.

So, my role is to be an obedient ambassador in God’s Kingdom.

Prayer: Father God, I see my role. Give me dominion over your creation once more. I will obey You in all things, take care of Your precious creation, and advance Your Kingdom here on earth. Amen.

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