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Redirecting Our Focus to Lead Others to Jesus

January 1, 2025

By Andrew Williams

“Andrew went to find his brother, Simon, and told him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which means Christ). Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. Looking intently at Simon, Jesus said, ‘Your name is Simon, son of John—but you will be called Cephas’ (which means “Peter”).” – John 1:41-42 (NLT)

Good morning fellow disciples.

In this beautiful moment, we see Andrew’s heart as a disciple. Upon encountering Jesus and realizing He is the Messiah, Andrew doesn’t keep this life-changing discovery to himself. His first instinct is to find his brother Simon (later called Peter) and lead him directly to Jesus. Andrew’s simple yet profound act of sharing and inviting set the stage for Peter to become one of the most significant figures in the early church.

This passage highlights an important truth: discipleship involves not only following Jesus ourselves but also leading others to Him. Andrew didn’t try to change Simon or convince him of anything on his own; instead, he trusted that if he could just bring Simon to Jesus, the Lord would do the transforming work. And indeed, Jesus did exactly that—looking at Simon and giving him a new name, Cephas (Peter), which signified his future role as a “rock” in the foundation of the church.

Andrew’s quiet yet impactful actions remind us that even behind-the-scenes discipleship, like pointing someone to Jesus, can have eternal consequences.

Andrew’s example empowers us to see that we don’t have to have all the answers or be in the spotlight to make a difference in God’s Kingdom. Sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is simply share the good news we’ve experienced and invite others to meet Jesus for themselves. Like Andrew, we can redirect our focus from worrying about how others will respond or whether we’re “qualified” to share, and instead trust that Jesus will take care of the transformation.

You may not be a preacher or feel like you have all the right words, but you can still be an Andrew. Your role might be to plant the seed, make the introduction, or even just share your testimony of how Jesus has changed your life. Never underestimate how God can use your obedience to bring someone closer to Him—just as He used Andrew to bring Peter, who would go on to do mighty things for the Lord.

Today, think of someone in your life who might need to encounter Jesus—a family member, a friend, or even a coworker. Pray for them specifically, asking God to open their heart to His love. Then, take a step of faith to “be an Andrew” and invite them closer to Jesus. It could be as simple as sharing a Bible verse, inviting them to church, or telling them about what God has done in your life. By redirecting your focus to lead others to Christ, you are living out the heart of a true disciple.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for the example of Andrew, who shows us what it means to lead others to You with love and simplicity. I confess that I sometimes hesitate to share my faith or invite others to know You. Help me to redirect my focus from fear or doubt to trust and obedience. Give me boldness to be an Andrew in my own life, pointing others to the hope and salvation I’ve found in You. Use me, Lord, as an instrument of Your grace, and may my life draw others closer to You. In Your name, I pray, Amen.

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