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Redirecting Our Focus to – Jesus Christ the Way

By Andrew Williams – January 17, 2022

Redirecting Our Focus to – Jesus Christ the Way

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 14:6 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Do you want to know Father God? Do you want to come into the presence of Father God? Do you want to live forever with Father God?

The way to get to Father God is through an abiding relationship and fellowship with Jesus Christ. The way to know Father God is to know the truth, and that truth is embodied in a person named Jesus Christ. The way to live forever is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Our ultimate goal is to be accepted as children of Father God Almighty, to live surrendered and submitted to Him, and to be His Kingdom disciples here on earth. None of that is possible without the Lord Jesus Christ!

Jesus is indeed the way, the truth, and the life. He spoke the Words of God / the gospel of the Kingdom which brings salvation. He died for our sins and redeemed us from under the oppression of the devil. He embodied everything that is of God, showing us how to live the God-like life here on earth. He continually intercedes on our behalf with Father God.

We need to redirect our focus to the Lord Jesus Christ if we want to come to Father God !

Prayer: Father God, I want everything that Your kingdom promises. I want to know You, I want to live forever with You, and I want to be a faithful witness here on earth for You.

I know Father God, that none of this is possible without me having the right relationship with Jesus Christ, without me accepting Him as Lord and Savior, without Him being my King, and without me living according to Your word and the gospel that He preached.

I now commit to knowing You Lord Jesus! I will spend all my time in Your Word, in prayer, and in witness to others. Amen

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