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Redirecting Our Focus to – Jesus Christ the Teacher

By Andrew Williams – January 10, 2022

Redirecting Our Focus to – Jesus Christ the Teacher

When He saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain, and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. Then He began to teach them, saying:”
Matthew 5:1‭-‬2 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus Christ was and is still the greatest teacher in the Kingdom of Heaven. He still continues to teach today by His Holy Spirit who inhabits His disciples.

As we look to Jesus Christ our teacher we see His teachings recorded in the New testament and we continue to learn from them. We see the acts of the apostles and other disciples and their recorded letters from which we still continue to be taught.

All the above mentioned the persons had the Holy Spirit of God in them: Jesus the Christ, His apostles, His disciples, and their disciples. Our greatest example of Kingdom teaching is Christ Jesus. We need to focus on what He said, what He did, how He lived, and the Holy Spirit filled lives of all His disciples.

“When He saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain, and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. Then He began to teach them, saying:” Matthew 5:1‭-‬2 HCSB.

Jesus Christ has seen the crowds, He is seated in heaven, He is ready to teach through His Holy Spirit here on earth, but the question is: “As His disciple have you come to Him?”

If you haven’t come to Him as yet, then I implore you to come to Him so that you can be taught by the greatest teacher ever. Surrender your time, surrender your heart, and be receptive to His teaching.

Now, listen to Him as He teaches you!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the greatest teacher in the Kingdom of Heaven. I am receptive to hearing You and to be obedient to You, so teach me through Your Holy scriptures, teach me through Your Holy spirit-filled disciples, and teach me through Your Holy Spirit living in me.

Thank You for making it so simple to understand the kingdom of heaven. Thank You for making me one of Your kingdom ambassadors. Thank You for entrusting me with Your good news to teach others. Amen.

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