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Redirecting Our Focus to – Fellowship with God Eternally

By Andrew Williams – January 18, 2022

Redirecting Our Focus to – Fellowship with God Eternally

The victor: I will make him a pillar in the sanctuary of My God, and he will never go out again. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God — the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God — and My new name.
Revelation 3:12 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sanctuary is defined as: a place (such as a church or a temple) for worship or, a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter.

In this passage Jesus promises that the one who is victorious in this life will be made a pillar in the sanctuary of His Father. That victorious person will never leave the sanctuary of Father God. Wouldn’t you like to be one of those who are forever in the presence of God?

I would like to be forever in God’s presence, worshiping Him and fellowship in with Him. In order for you or I to be victorious, we need to live according to God’s commands and His kingdom precepts. We need to follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, living our lives the way that God prescribed.

Have you started living for God?

Are you living victoriously?

What else do you need to do in order to live the victorious life so that you can live forever as a pillar in God’s Sanctuary?

Prayer: Father God, I will live according to Your Words, according to the gospel preach by the Lord Jesus Christ, and according to the leading of Your Holy Spirit who lives within Me.

I want to live eternally in your presence in your sanctuary. Help me to be victorious in living for You here on earth so that in the new life I can be with You forever. Amen.

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