By Andrew Williams
“But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. ‘Save me, Lord!’ he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. ‘You have so little faith,’ Jesus said. ‘Why did you doubt me?’ When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped.” – Matthew 14:30-32 (NLT)
Good morning fellow disciples.
In this continuation of Peter’s walk on water, we see a dramatic shift. Initially, Peter boldly stepped out of the boat, walking toward Jesus. But then, something changed—he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind and waves around him. Fear replaced faith, and Peter began to sink. Despite his faltering faith, Peter did the right thing: he cried out, “Save me, Lord!” Immediately, Jesus reached out, grabbed him, and brought him back to safety.
This moment reveals two key truths about discipleship. First, it shows the importance of keeping our focus on Jesus. When Peter fixed his eyes on the Lord, he was able to do the impossible. But when he let the storm distract him, fear took over. Second, this passage demonstrates Jesus’ faithfulness. Even when Peter doubted, Jesus was there to save him. Jesus didn’t let Peter sink; instead, He used the moment to teach Peter—and all of us—a lesson about faith and trust.
Peter’s experience empowers us to acknowledge that moments of fear and doubt are part of the journey of faith. Like Peter, we may start strong, trusting Jesus as we step into the unknown. Yet, when we focus on the “storms” of life—the challenges, distractions, or uncertainties—we can feel overwhelmed and begin to sink. But here is the good news: Jesus is always near, ready to reach out and lift us up when we cry out to Him.
This passage reminds us that Jesus doesn’t abandon us when our faith falters. Instead, He lovingly corrects us and invites us to redirect our focus back to Him. Even in our moments of doubt, He is faithful to rescue us and calm the storm around us. Peter’s story assures us that our failures don’t define us—our willingness to call on Jesus and trust Him does.
Examine the “storms” in your life—what are the winds and waves that have been distracting you or causing you fear? Today, take some time to name those distractions and bring them before Jesus in prayer. Ask Him to redirect your focus from the storm to His presence and power. When fear creeps in, practice calling out to Him, “Save me, Lord!” Trust that He will reach out to you, just as He did for Peter. Then, reflect on one area where you can choose faith over fear this week, taking a courageous step forward with your eyes fixed on Jesus.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for always being near, even when the storms of life feel overwhelming. Like Peter, I confess that I sometimes let fear and doubt distract me from You. Help me to redirect my focus from the wind and waves to Your presence and faithfulness. Teach me to trust You more deeply, knowing that You will never let me sink when I cry out to You. Strengthen my faith so that I can walk boldly in obedience, even when the storms rage around me. I commit to keeping my eyes on You, my Savior and my Lord. In Your name, I pray, Amen.