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Reasoning And Debating

By Andrew Williams – November 9,2021

Reasoning And Debating

Scripture: “Then they arrived in Ephesus, and he left the others there; but he entered the synagogue and reasoned and debated with the Jews.” Acts 18:19 AMP

Observation: Paul was on his way back to Jerusalem to observe the Passover and to deliver the money from the gentile churches to the church in Jerusalem. When he arrived at Ephesus he left the others that he was traveling with to go into the synagogue that was there.

Acts 18:19 states that ” he entered the synagogue and reasoned and debated with the Jews“. I found this to be significant because it shows me that even when we are on our way to somewhere else, we can take the time to tell others about God’s word. We note that Paul went into the synagogue to speak to the Jewish people about the promise of salvation. For me, it shows that having conversations with persons is a great way to introduce them to the truth of scripture.

When it says that Paul reasoned and debated with the Jews who were present, in my mind I see Paul trying to convince them of who Christ is.

I imagine that Paul was speaking to the Jews about Jesus being the Messiah and that Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures, Psalms, and the Prophets. I imagine them debating different scriptures to prove who was the Messiah.

Even though the passage does not say exactly what was said, I am encouraged by the fact that Paul took the time to speak with his fellow Jews about Christ.


1. As Christians we should use every opportunity we get to speak about Christ.

2. We should not be afraid to go into a place of worship to speak about Christ

3. Reasoning or debating are good opportunities to speak about Christ and the truth of his Deity to others.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for the art of communication. I ask You today to help me to communicate properly with everyone that I come in contact with so that Your Word will be so clear to them that they will come to know You as Lord, Savior and King. Father God help me to be like Paul in proclaiming Your Word, in Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

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