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Provision through the Kingdom

By Vanessa Rose – March 23, 2021

Scripture :”But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 KJV

Insight : The passage above is one ripe with a command cemented with a promise. Seeking the Kingdom of God is not a fruitless act. The bible tells us that our needs will be provided IF we seek the Kingdom of God first. This is contrary to popular thought, as many believe they should seek their needs for food, shelter, clothing, etc first THEN afterwards the Kingdom of God.

Frankly, seeking your needs first is a distraction because you will never fulfill the needs and so will never seek the Kingdom. This passage gives us a bold proclamation that IF we seek God first our needs will be added unto us. Isn’t it amazing that we can have our needs met simply by seeking after the things of God. The bible encourages us also to seek the Lord while He may be found and call unto Him while He is near.

Will you seek the Lord today? Your needs are guaranteed to be met. And who better to receive such a promise from than the ONE who CANNOT lie and MUST do as He has promised. Will you seek the Lord today?

Prayer : Dear God I have always sought to provide for my needs. Help me today to forsake this instinct and to seek your Kingdom. Lord You promised all my needs will be met if I do and so I trust and obey you today. I will seek You God while You maybe found. Have mercy on me and show me Your ways. Amen

Have a safe and productive day.

2 thoughts on “Provision through the Kingdom”

  1. Maureen Williams

    Such a simple condition with a great promise, yet we as God’s people make our lives so difficult.

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