Praying for Boldness

By Andrew Williams

Acts 4:29 – “Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.”

Good morning fellow disciples.

How bold are you when facing challenges?

Acts 4:29 reminds us that even when faced with threats and opposition, we can find the boldness to speak God’s truth with unwavering conviction. When we face opposition or fear, it’s easy to feel intimidated or silenced. But God promises to give us the boldness we need to speak His truth with confidence.

Through prayer, we can ask Him to enable us to speak His word with great boldness, just as the early church did in Acts 4. By praying for courage, we can overcome our fears and doubts, and instead, speak with conviction and authority.

Seeking God’s boldness through prayer requires trusting in His power and relying on His strength to overcome fear. We must remember that our boldness comes not from ourselves, but from God’s Spirit working in and through us. When we pray for boldness, we are not relying on our own abilities, but on God’s power to overcome our fears and doubts.

May we find the boldness to share His love and message with the world, even in the face of opposition or fear.

Prayer: Father God, we are your witnesses here on earth. This world does not accept us, and it constantly opposes us. Lord, make us bold in the face of adversity so that we can boldly proclaim Your gospel. Where we are timid even in non-adversarial situations, give us boldness also. Amen.

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