Pray like Elijah

By Andrew Williams

Good morning fellow disciples.

Prayer is simply having a conversation with God. Sometimes we have to intercede on behalf of others because of our relationship with God.

Let us be like Elijah who received the harrowing complaint, then pleaded with God on behalf of the distraught mother.

Here is the account in 1 Kings 17:17‭-‬24 NLT‬‬‬‬‬‬:

Some time later the woman’s son became sick. He grew worse and worse, and finally he died. Then she said to Elijah,

“O man of God, what have you done to me? Have you come here to’point out my sins and kill my son?”
But Elijah replied, “Give me your son.”

And he took the child’s body from her arms, carried him up the stairs to the room where he was staying, and laid the body on his bed. Then Elijah cried out to the Lord,

“O Lord my God, why have you brought tragedy to this widow who has opened her home to me, causing her son to die?”

And he stretched himself out over the child three times and cried out to the Lord, “O Lord my God, please let this child’s life return to him.”

The Lord heard Elijah’s prayer, and the life of the child returned, and he revived!

Then Elijah brought him down from the upper room and gave him to his mother.

“Look!” he said. “Your son is alive!”

Then the woman told Elijah, “Now I know for sure that you are a man of God, and that the Lord truly speaks through you.”

Prayer: Lord, I want to be like Elijah! I want to compassionately intercede for others and get miraculous answers from You. Let my prayers show that You Are GOD! Amen.

1 thought on “Pray like Elijah”

  1. Even if we can’t do ministry like Elijah , Elijah’s God is our God and we can do ALL things through him who strenghtens us.

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