Praise the Wise God

By Andrew Williams

Hiram also said: May the Lord God of Israel, who made the heavens and the earth, be praised! He gave King David a wise son with insight and understanding, who will build a temple for the Lord and a royal palace for himself. 
2 Chronicles 2:12 HCSB
Praise the Wise God

Good morning fellow disciples.

Wise is defined as: “having or showing the ability to make good judgments, based on a deep understanding and experience of life.”

In this passage we see King Hiram praising God because he had made King Solomon of Israel wise. He saw King Solomon to be wise because of the good judgments he was making in terms of the preparation for building the Temple of God, and his own Palace.

Hiram did not praise King Solomon. King Hiram praised the God of Israel for His wisdom in selecting Solomon, and His wisdom in making Solomon wise in these things.

As you look around your world, how do you see God acting in wisdom in the affairs of man, and in your life?
Do you see God as being wise when He sent His son to die on a cross, to pay the price for your sins?
Do you see God as been wise when He told Jesus to make disciples, instead of coming as a conquering King?
Do you see God as been wise when He gives you multiple chances to keep on repenting of the sins that you commit against Him?
Do you see God as been wise when He forgives you each time you confess your sins against Him?

Do you praise Him for being your wise God?

Prayer: Father God, You are the only wise God. All Your decisions are perfect and are full of wisdom. I will examine my life situations and see where Your wise decisions are being made manifest in my life. I thank You, Lord, for placing Godly persons in my life who will help me to live life the way that You require. Amen.

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