Praise the Mysterious Lord

By Andrew Williams

At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Matthew 11:25 NLT
Praise the Mysterious Lord

Good morning fellow disciples.

A mystery is a religious truth that one can know only by revelation and cannot fully understand.

Our God is a God of mystery. His ways sometimes are hard to understand. He reveals Himself in ways that sometimes we find hard to comprehend. His way of dealing with mankind is mind baffling at times.

His method of creation is unfathomable. Who creates things by just speaking them into being?

His plan of salvation, His plan to redeem mankind baffles my mind every time I think of it. Who in their right mind would give up their God status to become a human, and then die to redeem humans from their sins?

Our God reveals His plans to the humble and uneducated. Many persons study for their whole lives to understand God and His scriptures, but He doesn’t reveal Himself to them. What a mysterious God!

Prayer: Jehovah, God of mysteries, we praise Your name. We thank You Lord for revealing Your Kingdom mysteries to those of us who are childlike. We thank You for sharing Yourself and Your plans for us with those who are humble. We honor You, we glorify You, and we continually praise You, for Your loving kindness towards us. Amen.

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