Praise the Lord with Songs

By Andrew Williams

Sing a new song to the Lord! Sing his praises from the ends of the earth! Sing, all you who sail the seas, all you who live in distant coastlands.
Isaiah 42:10 NLT

Praise the Lord with Songs

Good morning fellow disciples.

Praise is defined as: the expression of respect and gratitude as an act of worship; and to glorify (a god or saint) especially by the attribution of perfections.

Sing a new song to the Lord! This command scares me a lot! First of all, I can’t sing melodious. Secondly, I don’t like to sing in public. However, this verse does not say that we need to be melodious.

What it says is that we should sing a new song to the Lord. We are to praise Him in song. Those of us who live on land, both far and near, and those who traverse the seas. God is worthy to be praised, and all the earth and its inhabitants need to praise God.

One way of praising God is through singing praises to Him. Are you a great singer? Do you enjoy singing praises to God? Do you enjoy singing along with others as they praise the Lord with all their heart?

Praise God from the innermost part of your being. Sing a new song onto the Lord!

Prayer: Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him All creatures here below, Praise Him above the heavenly Host, praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen.

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