Praise God – My Trainer

By Andrew Williams

May the Lord, my rock, be praised, who trains my hands for battle and my fingers for warfare. 
Psalms 144:1 HCSB
Praise God – My Trainer

Good morning fellow disciples.

Praise is defined as: the expression of respect and gratitude as an act of worship; and to glorify (a god or saint) especially by the attribution of perfections.

As members of the Kingdom of God, we are at war with the devil’s kingdom. Are you ready for that war? Have you been trained? Have you started fighting as yet?

In this psalm David is praising God, the one who has taught him how to battle, and how to do warfare. We also, as God’s children have been empowered and authorized by the Lord Jesus Christ to continue His battle here on Earth against the devil.

We are spiritually empowered by the infilling/baptism of the Holy Spirit, and we have God’s Word, and our testimony to help us. God has provided us with all the equipment and the training that we will need. It is up to us to accept His equipment and His training for the battles that we will face.

Are you spending time reading and meditating on God’s Word? Are you spending time in prayer with God? Are you fellowshipping with other saints so that you can become stronger? Are you testifying about God’s work in your life?

Are you obeying Jesus’ commands to go and make disciples, and to teach and equip them? Are you acting in Jesus’ power and authority to heal the sick, to preach the gospel, and to deliver persons from demonization?

David accepted the training that God Almighty gave him. Have you accepted God’s training for ministry and service in His Kingdom?

Prayer: Father God, thank You for providing everything, and all the training that we need to become effective disciples and warriors for Your Kingdom. We accept Your training God, and we step out in faith to defeat the enemy, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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