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Philemon 1:6 – Sharing our Faith Effectively

By Andrew Williams – May 24, 2021

Scripture : “that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus”. Philemon 1:6 NKJV

Observation : Paul is praying that the disciples would understand even more who they are in Christ, and with this understanding that they would be able to share their faith more effectively. As believer we fail because of lack of knowledge. If we don’t understand who we are in Christ then we can’t share the gospel with the greatest effectiveness, and love people like Jesus Christ commands.

As we acknowledge all the good that is in us because of our relationship and fellowship with Jesus, then sharing our faith becomes even more effective.

Application : I will seek to understand who I am in Christ so that my witness to others will become more effective. I will also pray for my fellow disciples like Paul did, so that they also will become more effective in sharing their faith.

Prayer : Holy Spirit, teach us all we need to know so that we will be more effective in sharing our faith in God. I pray now for your other disciples Lord Jesus, that they will be bold and accurate in proclaiming Your Word and also living like You did. Amen.

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