green, pray, young man

Philemon 1:4 – I Thank God for You

By Andrew Williams – May 22, 2021

Scripture : “I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers,” Philemon 1:4 NKJV

Observation : Paul’s prayers for Philemon and his local church were prayers of thanksgiving. He was always giving thanks for them. What a joy it must be to be always giving thanks for someone else and the life that they are living !

As Paul interceded on behalf of Philemon he did it with thanks to God. No matter the situation we should always be thankful to God as we intercede for others. It’s an honor and privilege to stand in the gap for others. It’s a blessing to have fellow disciples that we can pray for and pray with. It’s a joy to know that those who you have served with in the past are still living a godly life.

Application : I will seek to live my life in such a way that people will give thanks when they pray for me. The life I live must be one that is pleasing to God.
I will be thankful to God for the opportunity to pray for others.

Prayer : Father God, thank You for placing persons in my life who I can always give thanks for. Help me to be someone who is a blessing to others as I exemplify what a true disciple should be. Amen

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