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Philemon 1:25 – With Your Spirit

By Andrew Williams – June 26, 2021

Scripture : “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.” Philemon 1:25 NKJV

Observation : The unmerited/unearned favor and love of the lord Jesus is being extended by Paul to Philemon. I was expecting Paul to say “to you”, but instead he says “to your spirit”. This got me thinking, ” “why to your spirit”.

Spirit is defined as :”the non-physical part of a person regarded as their true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation.” So our spirit is capable of surviving death! This means that the Grace of Jesus will be with us for ever. It is Not limited to our life here on earth.

Isn’t it wonderful to know that God favors us and loves us for all eternity !

Application : Whenever I pronounce blessings on persons I will not limit the blessings to their earthly lives. I will pronounce blessings that will last for all eternity.

Prayer : Father God I thank You that your grace and mercy towards me lasts for all eternity. Help me to think and live with an eternal life mindset. I will speak words that will bless others for their lives throughout eternity. Thank You Lord Jesus for making it possible for me to live eternally in God’s presence. Amen.

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