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Philemon 1:23‭-‬24 – Motley Crew

By Andrew Williams – June 25, 2021

Scripture : “ Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you, as do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke, my fellow laborers.” Philemon 1:23‭-‬24 NKJV

Observation : Jewish and gentile prisoners, free Jews and gentiles, but all members of the body of Christ. We may have different statuses in life, varying levels of influence, differing types of “freedom”/ ability to make choices or move around, but we are all united through Christ.

This letter to Philemon was seen by others before it was sent , and they also sent their love and greetings. This shows that they also knew Onesimus and probably had a part to play in his discipleship process. Isn’t it wonderful to know that all these guys supported each other in their trying circumstances?

Application : I will support others in their trying circumstances. I will fellowship with others who I can also turn to in my times of need. I will keep in touch with persons that I have had past fellowship with.

Prayer : Father God, thank you for all my fellow disciples who have, and still continue to support me in my times of need. We differ in many things but we are one in Christ Jesus. This bond that we have because of Jesus is the greatest treasure we have in this life. We honor you Father God, thank you for making us a part of your family. Amen.

1 thought on “Philemon 1:23‭-‬24 – Motley Crew”

  1. Amen. What a beautiful lesson. This journey isn’t race and we all can make it if we help each other run. No matter our statuses we are one in Christ and should be each other’s keeper. May you do same.

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